Indian Story In English 

                         JUNIOR PRINCE

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                     A king had seven sons but he loved the junior most prince most. One day the brothers hatched a plot to kill the youngest one. They went for hunting in jungle and returned leaving him there.

To the king the princes informed, "Father! We tried our best but couldn't save him. A tiger ate him up."

Meanwhile the youngest prince roamed around and happened to come to a hill where a golden colour cow lived. He stated being helpful to the cow and in turn the cow allowed him to drink milk. Thus, he lived happily.

Once a bullock cart passed through that jungle. The bulls were unable to pull the cart through uneven ground of jungle. The Cartier happened to see the prince up on a hillock. He called him down to him. As soon as the prince got on the cart the bulls moved and then raced to the village of the farmer.

The farmer asked him to marry his daughter but prince didn't like the idea. At night he slipped away and reached the same jungle. He find that the golden cow had died. Her bones were scattered around.

He went to a nearby forest where he met a sage and became his disciple. He taught the prince a divine formula which could revive the dead. The prince went back to the same jungle and revived the cow.

One day, he was eating a pomegranate sitting on a branch of the tree when he remembered his mother. A tear dropped from his eye. The tear fell on the nose of a king who was taking rest underneath that tree while passing by. He looked up and called down the prince. He took the prince with him. The prince was married to the daughter of the king and they lived happily ever after.

Moral÷ Fortune seeks out the deserving                      person.

          (Thanks For Read And Comment.)


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